"We Raise Capital & Increase AUM"
                     Welcome to BFS Financial Inc.
If you’re looking to raise capital or increase Assets Under Management (AUM), you’ve come to the right place.  At BFS Financial Inc., we help our clients:

​       -  Publish The Angel Investing Report weekly on the internet via subscription

       -  Provide weekly report of quality Angel Investment opportunities 

       -  Raise capital via debt, equity or a combination of both for public & private entities

       -  Raise capital for Private Placement Offerings (Regulation D)

       -  Increase AUM via our Wholesale distribution services

       -  Increase Investor & Investment Advisor awareness via our Investor Relations services

       -  Due Diligence & Consultation services for Private Placement Offerings   

Let us put our experience to work for you.  With our large database of established relationships, we're confident that we can help you take your company to the next level. 

Capital Markets & Financial Services Since 1998

 BFS Financial Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Boyette Financial Services Inc.
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